The ImagineVR client is required in order to launch content you purchased from the ImagineVR store.
If the client is not installed yet, please do so by clicking "Download" button on the right. You may receive a security warning when executing the installer. However, Microsoft often shows this warning when new app is run but it is safe to do so for our installer.
To learn more about Imagine client, please visit [ Using ImagineVR Store and Client ] page.
ImagineVR is still a beta product.
If you experience any issues, we would appreciate it if you could check the Q&A page for a solution and report to us if you do not find a solution there. Thank you.
06/08/2022 Client version 2.0.12 is now available.
Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
In order for us to prevent piracy act, we require Imagine client to play some of our products. You may receive a security warning when executing the installer. However, Microsoft often shows this warning when new app is run but it is safe to do so for our installer.
Upon downloading Imagine Client, you agree to [ ImagineVR Terms of Use ].